If you’ve got this far, it’s because we’ve come to you with a menu you should definitely try. A menu exclusively composed from recipes and ingredients of the local tradition to give you the maximum of the flavors and scents typical of our cuisine. Enjoy the experience of a trip through the history of our land.
We have created a special menu to offer you the pleasure of fully immersion into our cuisine and traditions. Similar dishes and preparations exist elsewhere, but they hardly reproduce the aromas, flavours and texture of Reggio Calabria products tasted in their place of origin!
‘Pescestocco’ is the name given to stockfish, cod dried in the cold wind of the Arctic Ocean and exported all over Europe to the Mediterranean. Before being processed, prepared, and served in various ways, it is soaked several times in running water until it regains its soft, spongy consistency. After...
Calabria’s land offer is not limited to wine and citrus fruits. Olive growing is also one of the most crucial production sectors in the Reggio Calabria economy. A sector offering great variety: a source of agricultural production of olives and extra virgin olive oil, indeed, but also a real environmental...
‘Struncatura’ is a special quality of pasta produced along the Tyrrhenian belt of Reggio Calabria’s province and, more specifically, in the Gioia Tauro plain. Legend has it that it was made from wheat and bran milling residuals, even picked up from the floor! However, its origin, name and particular shape,...
A lot of establishments have joined Tradizioni Reggine project: each establishment, next to its menu, offers a special menu, symbol of our cuisine.
The menu features a great variety of products coming from the Reggio Calabria inland and coastal areas: stockfish, black piglet and “Jurmanu”, symbols of the Aspromonte, swordfish from the Strait; bergamot found in Reggio Calabria and along the Ionian coast, olive oil and pecorino cheese from the Gioia Tauro Plain, olive oil from the Ionian Sea and wines from the Metropolitan City.