Calabria’s wine vocation has been known since very early times, hence the Greeks, who used to call our land ‘Enotria’ – namely the ‘Land of Wine’ – well before settling here.
Over time, the many species of grapes which have developed by adapting to different kinds of terrains, irrigation, and sun exposure, have given life to several wines varying according to the place where they were grown.
From the creation of the Controlled Designation of Origin (DOC), Reggio Calabria Metropolitan City has obtained two recognitions: the Bivongi, a red wine of excellence, and the white Greco di Bianco, whose production is still anchored to thousand-year-old methods, resulting in sweet and fragrant nectars.

Seven IGT (Typical Geographical Indication) recognitions – today identified as PDO, also add to these two DOC recognitions – today identified as PGI, proving the winemakers’ capacity to invest in viticulture to produce delicious wines, which became broadly famous across national and international markets.
The wine produced in Calabria, particularly in the Reggio Calabria area, has roused growing interest. The adoption of traditional but innovative viticulture practices, supported by constant research, allowed the reintroducing of the Gaglioppo wine varietal – the most used -and the Calabrese, Magliocco, Nerello, Greco Nero and Bianco varietals and many others.

Thanks to their features, these varieties ceased to be considered blending wines. They gained tremendous popularity, becoming the well-known Costa Viola, Scilla, Arghillà, Pellaro, Palizzi and Locride, all IGT-recognised wines of the Metropolitan City. Such varieties also include the IGT Calabria, recognised all over the region. But Calabria is full of surprises for connoisseurs and wine lovers, providing them with new exceptional white and rosé wines. Hence, a territory whose nuances only wait to be discovered and tasted. Wines included.